The Soulful Cyclist

Sharing Meaningful Stories, One Pedal Stroke at a Time

“Not all those who wander are lost”

J.R.R. Tolkien

Welcome to this site about my bicycle journey through Europe and Africa, riding for disability rights, and independent living.

As a sport scientist, I know the positive power of movement. Working with children with Cerebral Palsy, I have seen unjust barriers that exclude people with movement limitations. People are people, abled or disabled, and my ride is about displaying the simple humanity of people with disabilities by sharing personal stories, and supporting organizations helping to build a world where everyone can live full, happy, and self-determined lives.

Will you join the adventure?

The Journey of My Dreams

Hi! My name is Max, and I’m planning to ride my bike from Helsinki, Finland to Cape Town, South Africa, covering approximately 25,000 km, crossing at least 26 unique countries, and traveling for a year and a half on my bicycle. I began my ride at the start of June 2024, and hope to reach Cape Town by end of 2025.

I’ve been dreaming about this journey for years. What drives me is a deep desire to see more of the rich, colorful, and diverse tapestry of humanity throughout these regions of the world, approach each new day with freedom and curiosity, letting the ride take me places I never could imagine, to pedal into the wind and sleep under the stars, marveling at the wonders of our world, to persevere through the many challenges the ride will pose, and to meet new people, make new friends, and learn all I can from the journey.

I can’t wait to share my experiences, lessons, and stories from the journey here on this site. I hope you’re excited to follow along and join me on this adventure!

What is the Mission of My Trip?

My goal is to advocate for inclusion, accessibility, and independent living for people with disabilities along my ride, and share personal stories and experiences of people across the disability spectrum throughout the journey.

My background in sport science taught me the positive power of movement for health, well-being, and personal agency. My research with children with Cerebral Palsy, has shown me the inequality, stigma, and restrictions in access and opportunities that can come with disability. People across the disability spectrum face unjust barriers in education, employment, healthcare, recreation, political participation, and the opportunity to live their own independent lives.

I am raising funds and awareness for organizations fighting for the rights of disabled people and working to improve health, well-being, and independence for people with disabilities throughout Europe and Africa.

Want to Know More About Me?

My name is Max Thurston, and I’m a passionate adventure bicyclist owing to a series of amazing bikepacking tours exploring around Europe. I’m also a PhD candidate in Finland, researching the potential of wearable robotic exoskeletons to improve mobility in children with Cerebral Palsy (CP). During my PhD I’ve developed a passion and enthusiasm for science and emerging technologies to improve mobility and personal agency for people with disabilities, and I’ve gotten to know and been inspired by the courage, resilience, and positive attitude of so many of the children with CP that I’ve worked with.

I’m hoping to combine these passions for my cycling adventure through Europe and Africa, riding to support accessibility, inclusion, and self-determination for people with disabilities. If you want to learn more about me and my background, please head to my ‘about me’ page. And feel free to reach out if you have any questions, tips, suggestions, or anything at all related to my trip through my ‘contact’ page.

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